Dear Bill, Gustav, Tom, Georg,
we know you have been rocking since you could hold your instruments, but it took longer for us, your fans, to get to know you. Now, it seems like you've been rocking our world for ever, but your break-through hit, Durch den Monsun, burst onto the music scene 3 years ago this Summer. We at Tokio Hotel International thought this was a really good reason for a celebration, and so we asked our users to send us pictures inspired by your timeless hit (invasion of the umbrellas :) ). We have compiled these photos, from over 500 fans in over 50 countries who have been touched by your music, into 10 videos, each to a different version of Durch den Monsun, or Monsoon. We've put these onto a DVD for you (waiting for you when you get back to Germany), and also on Youtube, so that the whole world can share in our celebration.
Thanks for making such great music, guys. Here's to three brilliant years at the top, and many more to come!
We love you ___________________________________________________________________
el TOKIOHOTELINTERNACIONAL...a echo un video fans recordando los 3 años de DURCH DEN MONSUN...q de seguro luego los chicos los veran han echo video y cartas..lo habian preparados con muchos meses antes..y aqui esta tanto trabajo les a salido muy bien aqui les pongo la carta en ingles..(si alguien fuera tan amable de traducirlo seria de gran ayuda para los q no saben el ingles y qieran entender..^^)..y tb les dejo el link para q vean...lo demas...
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