Bravo Nro 41
The dark side of success
It is not all gold that glitters. Tokio Hotel is also annoyed of some sites of their celebrity life...
For three years, they are under constant observation. Whether on holiday on the Maldives, the stroll through Paris or in front of every hotel in the world. Wherever Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21) stay, paparazzi are not far, an photoflash storm goes down to the guys. Not always to the delight of the four, as they betrayed BRAVO ...
BRAVO: What do you hate in your life as a star?
BILL: The positive outweighs the course. But I hate it, that we don't have any private stuff. And the badest thing are the paparazzi!
TOM: For us, it's important, to protect the life of our family and freinds. They have nothing to do with our job. If we are with them, it's bad for us, especially when paparazzi appear.
BILL: You have to be truly an evil man, to be a paparazzi. I hate them.
BRAVO: Thereby, you have luck here in Germany here are paparazzi harmless ...
TOM: That's true. In other countries it's really harder. In France and America are the paparazzi the most glaring.
BRAVO: What is annoying you?
BILL: Sometimes, everything it too much for me. Then I lie in the bed and think: "I can't anymore!" Then I will simply not stand up, can't laugh for a shooting into the camera or inspire people. I feel as if someone have to help me. Because I totally lacking self confidence and I simply want a break.
TOM: Sometimes I have homesickness.
GEORG: When I'm long on the road, I miss my family. And then, sometimes I get a bad mood.
BILL: I get oftener sich. And if I'm away from home, is this terrible. Then I'm missing Germany totally. I'm also sad, when I'm alone in the hotel room. As much as I love it, to be with the band on the road in hotel rooms I'm really sentimental. I can't even say exactly why. But then I wish myself into my own bed. While Tom would never admit it, but I bet he is sometimes sad. At the latest, when his hotel room acquaintances are gone again.
TOM: I also miss often the german toilet paper. (laughs). If we are at the end of the world, we're really looking forward to coming home ...
BRAVO: You have to live with many scandals and rumors. How do you handle with it?
BILL: Mostly we know it before, what there will be. Sooner, when we had dinner at the club, we knew exactly what there will be at the next day in the newspaper: "Teenagers drink alcohol. How can they be a role model? "
TOM: Or something like: "Tom sits alone at the table separates the band?", is also very popular.
GUSTAV: Or: "Bill looks sad does he have depressions?"
TOM: Everything, that people, who never know us personally, write about us, I don't really care. But if it's about our families, it's not okay.
BRAVO: There was the story about your grandfather, who allegedly shooted around...
BILL: The funny thing is, that this wasn't our grandfather. We even didn't knew this man ...
TOM: Just over 20,000 corners. But everbody says, that we're related with him.
BILL: Just like in school. There was then suddenly every girl with us together and each class mates were our best friends. And I should also owe all the people twenty euro ...
Atención!! fechas nuevas para octubre en USA!!!

-Friday 24-10-2008 (6:30 pm)==>House of Blues Orlando - Orlando
-Sunday 26-10-2008 (7:00 pm) ==> The Tabernacle - Altanta
-Wednesday 29-10-2008 (8:30 pm) ==> The Electric Factory - Phidadelphia
-Thurday 30-10-2008 (8:00 pm) ===> Roseland Ballroom - New York –> Tickets
Las miles de fanáticas de Tokio Hotel en Alemania estarán celebrando!!

Un equipo del museo tomó en abril las medidas del modelo original para poder recrear su imagen en una escultura, que viste pantalones y chaqueta de cuero negra sobre camiseta roja de estilo gótico-pop.
Desde el museo han admitido que será complicado controlar que las seguidoras del cantante no sustraigan algún elemento del atuendo a modo de recuerdo, una dificultad que se suma a la de retocar a diario el complejo maquillaje y peinado que luce la figura.
Kaulitz, de 19 años, se convierte así en la persona más joven duplicada por el museo Madam Tussaud berlinés, que fue inaugurado en el mes de julio y que exhibe copias de grandes personalidades alemanas, de ámbitos como la política, la ciencia, el arte, la literatura y el deporte.
Bill Kaulitz (Tokio Hotel) has wax statue at Madame Tussauds

The leader of German Tokio Hotel, Bill Kaulitz, is the latest honored with a wax statue in the collection of Madame Tussauds museum in Berlin.
The flagship play, which had recently been presented to British singer Amy Winehouse but that celebrates personalities of the various quarters of society, is on display to the public from today, after five months of conception.
According to news the Spanish daily El País, the team said the museum since there will be special care with the play, including regular touches in makeup and hairdo, given the amount of fans expected daily.
Age 19, the lead singer of Tokio Hotel is the youngest celebrity to be honored by the collection in Berlin, inaugurated in July this year.
This morning, the first 20 fans to arrive at the museum have free admission.
Doble del joven cantante amado por algunos y odiado por otros integrado en la colección del museo en Berlín.
El líder alemán de Tokio Hotel,Bill Kaulitz, es el último honrado con una estatua de cera en la colección de museo Madame Tussauds en Berlín.
El buque insignia del juego, que ha sido presentado recientemente fue a la cantante británica Amy Winehouse, pero que celebra personalidades de los diversos sectores de la sociedad, está en exhibición al público a partir de hoy, después de cinco meses de la preparacion.
Según las noticias el diario español El País, el equipo del museo dijo habrá especial cuidado con el, entre ellas el retocado en maquillaje y peinado, dada la cantidad de aficionados que espera a diario.
Esta mañana, los primeros 20 fans en llegaral museo tenian acceso gratis. Wait a minute, whom knutscht Tokio Bill there?

Because of the last three years not kissed ...
But he has a girlfriend? At least it is Bill (19) apparently likes of blond, pretty women kissing. He has hoodwinked us? Only in the last week, said the singer from Tokio Hotel that he was proud ungeküsst three years!
Even launched an appeal to the beautiful Bill verkuppeln finally, finally back to love in his heart to bring lonely.
Tokio Hotel
Will you
Girlfriend! Today das. then this picture: Who is the beautiful unknown Blonde, which just so vergreift Bill's mouth? He looks slightly startled, but is not averse.
Dear fans, you can breathe a sigh of relief: The Bill, the saucy kisses bee here is made of wax!
And each must ran. Since today is Tokyo Bill waxwork in the Berlin cabinet "Madame Tussauds'!
Emisora de alemana tb a anunciado sobre la firgura de bill en berlin

Bill Kaulitz als Wachsfigur bei "Madame Tussauds" in Berlin!
Was für eine Ehre für den Frontmann von Tokio Hotel! Er - oben noch das Original - steht seit heute zwischen Weltstars wie Jennifer Lopez, Justin Timberlake, Robbie Williams, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie!
Im April wurde im Berliner Nobel-Hotel "Ritz Carlton" am echten Bill Maß genommen, jetzt ist der Wachs-Bill fertig.
Die Besonderheit: Die Kleidung, die die Bill-Nachbildung trägt, stammt aus dem Schrank von Bill. Er hat sie getragen!
Und auch einen silbernen Ring hat Bill seiner Kopie überlassen.
Das erste, beeindruckende Foto von Bill als Wachsfigur zeigt nach dem Klick auf "Ganze Meldung".
Voila, der Wachs-Bill:

Haga clic aquí para ver más imágenes de la figura de cera de bill original y la comparacion con una galeria de fotos de