Bill tiene nuevos dientes - Bravo 45/08
El odia sus dientes, asi que se los ha dejado arreglar por un Medico Estetico…
Las estrellas en su ilusion por estar guapos: el proximo por favor: Bill Kaulitz (19) ha conseguido su soñada estupenda sonrisa. Despues de una visita a un Medico Estetico el cantante de Tokio Hotel aparecio en los MTV Latinos en Mexico con derepente unos brillantes y rectos dientes blancos. Vaya contraste con el antes! Los dientes eran siempre el lado debi de Bill -al menos eso pensaba el. Aunque millones de fans adoraban su sonrisa, Bill intentaba evitar una amplia sonrisa en los photo shoots. La razon: Sus “dientes de conejo”, como los llamaba el mismo, no les gustaban.
Ahora su gran carrera internacional puede venir -y Bill-Tokio aparentemente ha sido afectado por sus colegas de show. Asi que el chico de Loitsche, cerca de Madgeburg, fue a un Medico Estetico de Hollywood. Y se habla de una renovacion total: Sus dientes frontales y caninos fueron alineados y pulidos. Algunos rumores dicen, que incluso se decidio por los llamados ortoimplantes. Con este metodo un fino torno de ceramica es aplicado a cada diente, lo que le da perfecta forma y color.
El coste estimado de este tratamiento: es de al menos 32.000 euros. Una cara sonrisa, la cual es obviamente recompensada: Bill recientemente sonrie con sus colegas de grupo Tom (19), Gustav(20) y Georg (21), y ya no tiene que tener cuidado de mantener su boca cerrada cuando sonrie!
Que decis sobre los nuevos dientes de Bill -y que mas puede cambiar de si mismo? Escribid vuestros pensamientos a: Bravo, Keybord: Bill, PO Box 20 03 40, 80003 Munich o escribe un mail a…
Antes: La cara de Bill, la linea de sus dientes era irregular e incorrecta
Ahora: Recientemente, Bill ya no tiene sus “dientes de conejo”. En vez de eso, los dientes estan rectos…
Noticias sobre el grupo: Despues de su exito en los Video Music Awards Gustav, Bill, Tom y Georg ganaron el siguiente premio: MTV Latin Awards. Y porque su carrera internacional funciona tan bien, Tokio Hotel estan grabando un especial de Navidad para la television americana.
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Quien es la rubia al lado de Gustav? Una nueva novia?
Cuando el bateria de Tokio Hotel estaba de compras por Los Angeles se le pudo ver con una mujer a su lado. Falsa alarma: Gustav sigue siendo un soltero feliz. La “desconocida” es Sarah Ostermann y no es la novia de Gustav. Es una manager de produccion de Universal-la compañia de discos de Tokio Hotel.
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He hates his teeth, so he lets them renew from a Beauty-Doc…
Stars in beauty delusion - the Next please: Bill Kaulitz (19) has got his dream smile tinkered. After a visit at a beauty Doc the Tokio Hotel singer showed up at the MTV Latin Awards in Mexico with suddenly straight and shiny white teeth. What a contrast to earlier! The teeth were always Bills vulnerability - at least he thought this himself. Although millions of fans loved his smile, Bill tried to avoid a broad smile at Photo shoots. The reason: His “rabbit teeth,” as he called them himself, he doesn’t like them.
Now the big International career can come - and Tokio-Bill has apparently been affected by his Showbiz-Colleagues. So the boy from Loitsche, near Magdeburg, went to a Hollywood Beauty-Doc. And we speak of a full-renewal: His front and canine teeth were aligned and polished. Some rumours say, that he even decided for a so-called “Ortho-Veneering”. At this method a thin ceramic bowl is applied to each tooth, which gives them a perfect shape and color.
Estimated costs for such a treatment: at least 32.000, - €! Woah!
An expensive smile, which is obviously paying off: Bill recently beams with his band colleagues Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21), and doesn’t have to be careful anymore to keep his mouth closed when he smiles!
What do you say about Bill new teeth - and what else could he change on himself?
Write your thoughts to: Bravo, Keyword: Bill, PO Box 20 03 40, 80003 Munich or write a mail to
Before: Bills face, the shape of his teeth was irregular and wrong
Now: Recently, Bill doesn’t have his “rabbit teeth” anymore. Instead, the teeth are even and straight…
Band Update: After their success at the Video Music Awards Gustav, Bill, Tom and George won the next price: the MTV Latin Music Award.
And because their international career works so good, Tokio Hotel are currently recording a Christmas Special for the US-Television
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Who is the woman at Gustavs side?
A new girlfriend? When the Tokio Hotel Drummer was shopping in L.A you could see him with this unknown woman on his side. It’s all false alarm: Gustav is still a happy single. The “Unknown” is Sarah Ostermann and she’s not Gustavs girlfriend. She is a product manager at Universal - the record label of Tokio Hotel.
Chat en vivo con TH...mañana..!!

Chat LIVE with Tokio Hotel on Thursday, October 30!!! The guys will be taking a trip to Z100 to chat with YOU online! Don´t miss out on this chance to ask Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg everything you always wanted to now!
Chat LIVE with Tokio Hotel on Thursday, October 30!!! The guys will be taking a trip to Z100 to chat with YOU online! Don´t miss out on this chance to ask Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg everything you always wanted to now!
Make sure you´re logged into the ZVIP Zone tomorrow,October 30th from 3:00 - 4:00pm (EST)Click HERE!
Chat en vivo con Tokio Hotel, el jueves, 30 de octubre! 3:00 - 4:00 pm (EST).
La Lista de la 10 primeras ganadoras de la entrada de la Fan Party - Hamburgo
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