Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel celebrates his driver's license with a latest scream cabrioletKing of the asphaltExclusive VOICE! The leader of the german band received his driver’s license and has offered himself his first car ....Bill Kaulitz, he is beautiful, he sings well, he has style, he is rich, he is ...In short, just one thing was missing to complete the board: be able to ride the asphalt aboard of a good large car which stands out.But the problem was that while all members of TH have passed the exam, Bill has failed to pass it the first time ...But after a few weeks course of additional driving lessons, Bill of Tokio Hotel has finally gained confidence and got his driver's license two days ago, last Wednesday, his second attempt then.Once with the sesame seeds in his pocket, it was only missing to choose the engine of his dreams. Here, Bill opted for a german brand by offering himself a grey BMW 6 Series convertible (see what it looks like here) ... Price of the small jewel? 90,000 euros. This is the price to pay to ventilate his hair with class ...
Bill Kaulitz del hotel de Tokio celebra su permiso de conducir con lo ultimo del grito un cabriolet!!
Rey del asfalto¡VOZ exclusiva! El líder de la banda alemana recibió su licencia de conductor y se ha ofrecido su primer coche….Bill Kaulitz, él es hermoso, él canta bien, él tiene estilo, él es rico, él es …En fin, apenas una cosa faltaba terminar la lista: pueda ser capaz montar el asfalto a bordo de un buen coche grande y que se destaque.Pero el problema era que mientras que todos los miembros del TH han aprobado el examen, Bill no pudo pasarlo la primera vez…Pero después de algunas semanas de lecciones De conducir adicionales, Bill del hotel de Tokio finalmente entonces ha ganado confianza y conseguido su licencia de conductor hace dos días, el miércoles pasado, su segunda tentativa.Una vez con las semillas de sésamo en su bolsillo, faltaba solamente elegir el motor de sus sueños. Aquí,Bill optó por una marca de fábrica alemana ofreciéndose BMW gris convertible serie6 ¿Precio de la pequeña joya? 90.000 euros. Éste es el precio a pagar para ventilar su pelo con la clase…!!
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